Saturday, May 14, 2016

Spirituality 2

The Goddess on Love

Srimati Radharani said: "If you want to understand My love for Krsna then listen... Prema (love) is so great that even the knowers of the Vedas cannot know it, nor others who claim to know it. Sakhi! (the name of a companion) One who teaches prema (love) to an inquisitive person cannot know it, nor can their hearer know it. It's all just imitation! Prema (love) disappears before both the discriminate and indiscriminate person, but that pure-hearted soul who is free from discrimination and who is full of sacred greed, is able to approach the throne of natural love. That is shown through the lover's activities, which are only dedicated to the happiness of the beloved."

"O dear sakhi! In whom else in all the three worlds or beyond them but in Krsna, the prince of the cowherds, is this prema (love) to be found? Only the doe-eyed gopis of Vrndavana can relish this, according to their qualifications."

"Of all these gopis, Lord Krsna is most attracted to Me. That is well known in the world. That can never be false. He considers My love to be as great as Mount Meru, and the love of the other gopis to be like three or four mustard seeds."

The Eternal Quest: The Fulfillment of All the Needs of All Beings through Ethical Means

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