Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Voice of God


My Children, Listen Well


You are loved beyond measure. In your struggles, I am there. In your triumphs, I rejoice with you. You are never alone, even in your darkest hour.


But hear this: The world you inhabit is both a gift and a responsibility. I have given you the ability to love, to create, to heal, and to unite. Yet, I watch as you divide, destroy, and neglect what I have placed in your care—yourselves, each other, and the Earth.


Remember: Your worth is not in what you own or achieve, but in how you love and uplift others. Seek the truth, not to prove yourselves right, but to bring light where there is darkness. Forgive, not because it is easy, but because it frees your heart.


Stop chasing after fleeting things that will never fill you. True joy is not found in the noise of the world but in the stillness of your soul, where I dwell.


I have placed in each of you a spark of My divine nature. Use it. Be kind to the stranger. Speak hope to the hopeless. Protect the weak. Rebuild what is broken.


Do not fear. The challenges you face are not punishments but opportunities to grow, to trust, and to rise. Every hardship carries the seed of transformation if you let it.


I have not abandoned you, and I never will. But you must choose to walk the path of love, courage, and compassion.


Now go, My children. Let your light shine. Be the hands, the voice, and the heart of the divine in the world.


I am with you always.


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