The Greatness of The Goddess
Who Is Radha?
Radharani is described as the topmost uttama heroine in the following statement, where Krsna says to Subala: "Radharani will renounce everything if that will make Me happy for a moment. Even if I torment Her with suffering She never becomes angry with Me in Her heart. If She hears the rumor, even if it is untrue, that I am slightly unhappy, Her heart cracks. With these transcendental good qualities Radharani shines as the best of all the beautiful-eyed gopis."
In the Krama-dipika, Sri Krsna spoke to Candarama, the moon. “Radha’s name is superior to hundreds of My names. Even I do not know what benefit awaits that person who always chants and remembers Sri Radha.”
The moment I hear the sound 'Ra' from anyone's lips, I grant them My supreme prema-bhakti (loving devotion). But the next moment when I hear the sound 'dha', I completely lose Myself and become intoxicated in Radha-nama. Because of My great longing to hear the name of My Beloved, I run after the devotees who chant Radha-nama.
Simply by vibrating the sound 'Ra', Shri Krishna's ecstatic jubilation fully blooms; simply upon hearing the sound 'dha', He chases after vibrator with great awe and reverence. (Brahma Vaivarta Purana)
Shri Krishna says: "O Narada!! If you have faith in the process of prema-bhakti (loving devotion) and wish to attain my favour, then please become the worshipper of Shrimati Radharani in the mood of ecstatic emotion." (Bhavisyottara Purana)
Shri Krishna says: "O Narada! I tell you truly truly, again truly, truly, again and again - without the mercy of Shrimati Radharani, one cannot attain my mercy." (Narada Purana)
Kalindi has stated that ''Surely Shri Radhika is the very soul (Atma) of Lord Krishna Who is Atma-Rama, that is, One Who delights in Himself alone.''
Bhagavan Krishna is always immersed in Shri Radha consciousness, which is His very soul. Therefore learned sages who have grasped the secret esoteric significance of this deep mellow call him 'Atma-Rama.'