Tuesday, April 4, 2017

POH - 4 - Capital and Employment

The Eternal Quest

The content of this post is directly from the work of The Lucis Trust.

The Problems of Humanity: Building Right Human Relations
Study Four: Capital, Labor and Employment

Seed Thought for Meditation

Human unity, human understanding and human fair play — these are the only concepts upon which to construct the new world and bring to an end the exploitation of one section of humanity by another.

Key Statements

The key to humanity’s trouble (focusing as it has in the economic difficulties of the past two hundred years and in the theological impasse of the orthodox churches) has been to take and not give, to accept and not share, to grasp and not to distribute. This has involved the breaking of a law which has placed humanity in a position of positive guilt. War is the dire penalty which mankind has had to pay for this great sin of separateness.

I would like to suggest three key principles for a new economic order geared to creating wealth and well-being for people and the Earth.

It must be conserving for the Earth’s resources and environment.

It must be enabling for people. Instead of systematically creating and extending dependency, it must systematically favor self-reliance and the capacity for self development.

It must be organized and understood as a multi-level one world economic system, with autonomous but interdependent parts at all levels. James Robertson

Work Proposals

v Continue with the daily meditation work.

v Read from the suggested list of resources.

v Create your own list based on your particular interests, and for further in-depth study of the issues presented within this study set. Newspapers, magazines, books, and the internet convey a wealth of information and details about current affairs. The UN publications are a particularly rich source of information.

v Begin a study group wherein group meditation, discussion and action can be brought to bear on this particular problem. If meeting up with others physically is difficult, you could consider forming a group online. World Goodwill also hosts discussion forums on the problems that can be found online at: www.lucistrust.org/en/forums

Questions for Consideration and/or Discussion

Having studied this Set on the problem of Capital, Labor and Employment, read the relevant chapter in the book Problems of Humanity, and any other material bearing on this subject which you find interesting and creative. Then answer for yourself the following questions:—

1.      Do you see any evidence that the belief in human unity is growing? What effect would a widespread belief in human unity have on the relations between capital and labor in your community, your nation and the world?

2.      What are the most positive signs — in your own community, in your own nation, in humanity as a whole — of goodwill being applied in relations between labor and capital?

3.      What role can an individual play in supporting the principles of sharing and co-operation?

4.      It has been said (a) that the love of money is the root of all evil and (b) that money is a great spiritual asset. Reflect on your own attitude to money. Why do you think attitudes to money are of such central importance in the transition to the New Age?

5.      In what way can the law of Supply and Demand be implemented so that there is justice for all and plenty for all?

6.      What do you think are the outstanding characteristics of our present civilization? What standard of living will seem essential to humanity in the New Age?

7.      Can Labor, Capital and Management form a workable agreement or synthesis of some kind? In particular, how do you consider the human factor in industry should be handled?

The Eternal Quest

The Fulfillment of All the Needs of All Beings by All Beings through Ethical Means


POH - 3 - Children Youth and Education

The Eternal Quest

The content of this post is directly from the work of The Lucis Trust.

This Study can be found here:

The Problems of Humanity: Building Right Human Relations
Study Three: Children Youth and Education

Seed Thought for Meditation

Two major ideas should be taught the children of every country. They are: The value of the individual and the fact of the one humanity.

Key Statements

Education is a deeply spiritual enterprise. It concerns the whole man and that includes his divine spirit.

We must develop the new attitudes and techniques which will fit a child for complete living and so make him truly human – a creative, constructive member of the human family. The very best of all that is past must be preserved but should only be regarded as the foundation for a better system and wiser approach to the goal of world citizenship.

The entire trend of the present urge forward, which can be noted so distinctly today, is to enable humanity to acquire knowledge, to transmute it into wisdom by the aid of the understanding and thus become ‘fully enlightened’. Enlightenment is the major goal of education.

Work Proposals

v Continue with the daily meditation work.

v Read from the suggested list of resources.

v Create your own list based on your particular interests, and for further in-depth study of the issues presented within this study set.

v Begin a study group wherein group meditation, discussion and action can be brought to bear on this particular problem. If meeting up with others physically is difficult, you could consider forming a group online. World Goodwill also hosts discussion forums on the problems that can be found online at: www.lucistrust.org/en/forums

Questions for Consideration and/or Discussion

1.      What do you think should be the major principles underlying education?

2.      What do you understand about ‘education for world citizenship’ and what do you think can be done to create it?

3.      In what ways can today’s children be educated in right relationship?

4.      How is creativity related to right relationship?

5.      In what ways is life-long learning important? How should it fit into the educational process?

6.      What does the word spiritual mean to you? Do you differentiate between a spiritual education and intellectual development? Do you divorce the two in your mind or do you regard them as two phases of one effort?

7.      What do you think could be some short-term and long-term solutions to improve the plight of the world’s children?

8.      What actions can you take in your recognized environment to improve the plight of the world’s children?

The Eternal Quest

The Fulfillment of All the Needs of All Beings by All Beings through Ethical Means

POH - 2 - Renewal of The Nations

The Eternal Quest

The content of this post is directly from the work of The Lucis Trust.

This Study can be found here:

The Problems of Humanity: Building Right Human Relations
Study Two: The Psychological Renewal of The Nations

Seed Thought for Meditation

The immediate spiritual problem with which all are faced is the problem of gradually offsetting hate and initiating the new technique of trained, imaginative, creative and practical goodwill.

Key Statements

No nation can live unto itself today. If it attempts to do so it treads the way of death and that is the true horror of the isolationist position. Factually today we have one world and this sums up the psychological problem of humanity. The goal is right human relations; nations will stand or fall just in so far as they measure up to that vision.

Nationalism is our form of incest, is our idolatry, is our insanity. “Patriotism” is its cult. It should hardly be necessary to say, that by “patriotism” I mean that attitude which puts one’s own nation above humanity, above the principles of truth and justice; not the loving interest in one’s own nation, which is the concern with the nation’s spiritual as much as with its material welfare - never with its power over other nations. Just as love for one individual which excludes the love for others is not love, love for one’s country which is not part of one’s love for humanity is not love, but idolatrous worship. Erich Fromm

The love of one’s country is a splendid thing. But why should love stop at the border? Pablo Casals

The soul ray [of a nation] must be evoked into an increased functioning activity by the New Group of World Servers.


The psychological work to be done will summon each and all who recognize the need for the awakening of the soul of the different nations. They will be concerned with the revelation of the fact of the soul and with the new emerging psychology. Their major task will be to relate the soul and the personality, leading to the revelation of divinity through humanity.

Work Proposals

v  Continue with the daily meditation work.

v  Read from the suggested list of resources.

v  Create your own list based on your particular interests, and for further in-depth study of the issues presented within this study set. Newspapers, magazines, books, and the internet convey a wealth of information and details about current affairs. The UN publications are a particularly rich source of information. Make a study of these and try and identify those national activities which indicate soul activity. Remember that the personality activities are obvious and more easily discerned. Always bear in mind that nations vary as do individuals and that some nations are closer to soul expression than are others. Study the nature of soul energy and personality energy of some of the nations, as given in this Study set.

v  Begin a study group wherein group meditation, discussion and action can be brought to bear on this particular problem. If meeting up with others physically is difficult, you could consider forming a group online. World Goodwill also hosts discussion forums on the problems that can be found online at: www.lucistrust.org/en/forums

v  Only when men can think in these wider terms will the fusion of all men everywhere become possible, will brotherhood come into being and humanity be a fact in our consciousness.

v  Realize that all nations are controlled by personality energy which is dominant and potent and the main controlling factor at this time. All are also slowly coming under the spiritual energy of the soul, but this is as yet only dimly sensed by spiritually-minded thinkers and those who love their fellowmen.

Questions for Consideration and/or Discussion

Study this Set on the Psychological Problems of the Nations, read the relevant chapter in the book Problems of Humanity, and any other material bearing on this subject which you find interesting and creative. Then answer for yourself the following questions:-

v  Taking two of the world powers, where do you feel that their greatest strengths and weaknesses lie? What, for instance, is right and wrong in the psychological attitude of the USA, or of China, or of the United Kingdom or of Russia? What should be their psychological objective?

v  How does the mind of an individual, or the public opinion of a nation, affect world events and world thinking? Can you give any practical examples?

v  How can selfish national politics be offset?

v  What effect do you have upon public opinion?

v  Can you put into your own words your personal vision of humanity, not as the ultimate vision of a perfect world, but the realizable vision of a better world during, say, the coming 50 years?

The Eternal Quest

The Fulfillment of All the Needs of All Beings by All Beings through Ethical Means

The Eternal Quest in PDF Format (English Version):
The Eternal Quest in PDF Format (Arabic Version):


POH - 1 - Introduction Set

The Eternal Quest

The content of this post is directly from the work of The Lucis Trust.

This Study can be found here:

The Problems of Humanity: Building Right Human Relations
Study One: Introduction Set

Seed Thought for Meditation

Unity and right human relations – individual, communal, national and international – can be brought about by the united action of the men and women of goodwill in every country.

Key Statements

It is essential that all thinking people should give time and thought to the consideration of the major world problems with which we are now faced.
The errors and mistakes of past centuries, culminating in the recent world war and our present problems, are the joint errors and mistakes of humanity as a whole. This recognition will lead to the establishment of the principle of sharing, so needed in the world today.
There are no problems and conditions which cannot be solved by the will-to-good. Goodwill nourishes the spirit of understanding and fosters the manifestation of the principle of cooperation. This cooperative spirit is the secret of all human relations and the enemy of competition.
There is a blood relationship between men which, when recognized, dissolves all barriers and ends the spirit of separativeness and hate. The peace and happiness of each is the concern, therefore, of all. This develops the principle of responsibility and lays the foundation of right corporate action.
I ask you to drop your antagonisms and your antipathies, your hatreds and your racial differences, and attempt to think in terms of the One Family, the One Life and the One Humanity.

Questions for Reflection or Discussion

1.      What new ideas have come to you through working with this study and with the introduction to the book Problems of Humanity?

2.      In what way can the idea of right human relations become a universal ideal, and how is it to be practically established? What contribution can you make to this process?

3.      In the introduction to Problems of Humanity it is said that “spiritual impression” has been interrupted. How can this “divine circulatory flow” be restored?

4.      Can you think of instances to support the contention that we are passing from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age?

The Eternal Quest

The Fulfillment of All the Needs of All Beings by All Beings through Ethical Means
