Tuesday, April 4, 2017

POH - 3 - Children Youth and Education

The Eternal Quest

The content of this post is directly from the work of The Lucis Trust.

This Study can be found here:

The Problems of Humanity: Building Right Human Relations
Study Three: Children Youth and Education

Seed Thought for Meditation

Two major ideas should be taught the children of every country. They are: The value of the individual and the fact of the one humanity.

Key Statements

Education is a deeply spiritual enterprise. It concerns the whole man and that includes his divine spirit.

We must develop the new attitudes and techniques which will fit a child for complete living and so make him truly human – a creative, constructive member of the human family. The very best of all that is past must be preserved but should only be regarded as the foundation for a better system and wiser approach to the goal of world citizenship.

The entire trend of the present urge forward, which can be noted so distinctly today, is to enable humanity to acquire knowledge, to transmute it into wisdom by the aid of the understanding and thus become ‘fully enlightened’. Enlightenment is the major goal of education.

Work Proposals

v Continue with the daily meditation work.

v Read from the suggested list of resources.

v Create your own list based on your particular interests, and for further in-depth study of the issues presented within this study set.

v Begin a study group wherein group meditation, discussion and action can be brought to bear on this particular problem. If meeting up with others physically is difficult, you could consider forming a group online. World Goodwill also hosts discussion forums on the problems that can be found online at: www.lucistrust.org/en/forums

Questions for Consideration and/or Discussion

1.      What do you think should be the major principles underlying education?

2.      What do you understand about ‘education for world citizenship’ and what do you think can be done to create it?

3.      In what ways can today’s children be educated in right relationship?

4.      How is creativity related to right relationship?

5.      In what ways is life-long learning important? How should it fit into the educational process?

6.      What does the word spiritual mean to you? Do you differentiate between a spiritual education and intellectual development? Do you divorce the two in your mind or do you regard them as two phases of one effort?

7.      What do you think could be some short-term and long-term solutions to improve the plight of the world’s children?

8.      What actions can you take in your recognized environment to improve the plight of the world’s children?

The Eternal Quest

The Fulfillment of All the Needs of All Beings by All Beings through Ethical Means

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