The Eternal Quest
The content of this post is directly from the work of The Lucis Trust.
This Study can be found here:
The Problems of Humanity: Building Right Human Relations
Study Five: Racial Minorities
Seed Thought for Meditation
A solution to the problem of the minorities is essentially the finding of a solution to the great heresy of separateness.
Key Statements
...any doctrine of superiority based on racial differentiation is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous... there is no justification for racial discrimination, in theory or in practice, anywhere. From the Preamble to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
The nature of all men is identical; what divides them is their customs. Confucius (551-479 B.C.)
I ask you to drop your antagonisms and your antipathies, your hatreds and your racial differences, and attempt to think in terms of the one family, the one life, and the one humanity.
The beauty of the present situation is that even in the smallest community a practical expression of what is needed on a worldwide scale is offered to the inhabitants; differences in families, in churches, in municipalities, in cities, in nations, between races and internationally all call for the same objective and for the same process of adjustment: the establishing of right human relations. The technique or method to bring this about remains everywhere the same: the use of the spirit of goodwill.
Work Proposals
Continue with the daily meditation work.
Read widely from any other contemporary materials on the subject.
Questions for Reflection and Discussion
1. How can we abolish the great lines of demarcation between races, nations, groups, and heal the cleavages that are to be found everywhere, working in such a manner that the “one humanity” emerges on the arena of world affairs?
2. Choose one of the minority problems, consider its essential factors. Can you see any positive trends towards its solution?
3. Take any minority problem which exists within your own community or environment and consider its essential factors. Consider in what ways you can aid its solution and with what groups you might co-operate.
4. Consider the various ways in which your attitude to the problem does or can manifest itself, e.g. in conversation, by demonstration or in practical help to alleviate the conditions surrounding it. What is the most effective aid you can give which will bring about the requisite goodwill leading to the right relationships?
The Eternal Quest
The Fulfillment of All the Needs of All Beings by All Beings through Ethical Means
The Fulfillment of All the Needs of All Beings by All Beings through Ethical Means
The Eternal Quest in PDF Format (English Version):
The Eternal Quest - The Statements Version
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