The Eternal Quest

Theses groupings are interrelated and form the pattern on which discipleship service is founded. All disciples eventually find their place in relation to these groups and fields of action.
The ten groups listed in Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. I, pp. 33-40:
1. The group of Telepathic Communicators.
2. The group of Trained Observers.
3. The group of Magnetic Healers.
4. The Educators of the New Age.
5. The group of Political Organizers.
6. The Workers in the Field of Religion.
7. The Scientific Servers.
8. The group of Psychologists.
9. The group of Financiers and Economists.
10. The group of Creative Workers.
The Seven major divisions of action in world affairs in which the New Group of World Servers are working:
1. The cultural field.
2. The political field.
3. The religious field.
4. The scientific field.
5. The philosophical field.
6. The psychological field.
7. The financial field.
The Eternal Quest
The Fulfillment of All the Needs of All Beings by All Beings through Ethical Means
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