The Eternal Quest

The content of this post is directly from the work of The Lucis Trust.
The introductory page for The Service of The Plan study course is here:
And the overview for the course is here:
The Service of The Plan
Study One: Department of Government
Study Two: Department of Religion
Study Three: Department of Education (DOE)
Study Four: (DOE) Science
Study Five: (DOE) Philosophy
Study Six: (DOE) Psychology
Study Seven: (DOE) Culture and the Arts
Science , Philosophy , Psychology and Culture and the Arts
I will post the Keynotes and Work To Be Done for each Study for those who don’t have the time to read through the whole Study and will also post the link to each Study which is in PDF format for those who do...
Here are some introductory thoughts:
The Service Of The Plan
Although the following paragraphs from The Rays and the Initiations relate specifically to the third degree initiate, the information given on the use of the different aspects of the will in relation to the three Departments of Hierarchy is of value for all students:
“In connection with the use by the initiate of what we might call pure will, it should be remembered that this pure will works into manifestation through one or other of the three aspects of the Spiritual Triad. This activity is determined by the major ray upon which the initiate finds himself, from the angle of his monadic ray. Every spiritual man is upon one or another of the three major rays, for the minor four rays of attribute are all eventually absorbed into the third Ray of Active Intelligence.
If the initiate is upon the first ray, and therefore working in the Department of the Manu, he will use and express the innate will aspect through the atmic nature or through the highest aspect of the Spiritual Triad, to which we give the inadequate name of ’divine Will’. Students are apt to forget that the Spiritual Triad, related as it is to the Monad in much the same way as the three-fold personality is related to the soul, expresses the three major aspects of Shamballic energy, which three are all of them expressions of the will of the planetary Logos and His essential Purpose.
If the initiate is on the second ray, and therefore is working in the Department of the Christ, he will use the will through the medium of buddhi, the second aspect of the Spiritual Triad.
If he is on the third ray and in the Department of the Mahachohan, the Lord of Civilization, he will work through the higher mind, the lowest aspect of the Spiritual Triad.
Forget not, however, that none of these aspects can be regarded as higher or lower, for all are equally divine.
Understanding of these ideas may come if, for instance, you realize that the expression of buddhi, or of the intuition, in the consciousness of the spiritual man will lead to the use of the will in working out the purposes of Shamballa in the field of religions, of education, and of salvaging or saving the life aspect in all forms in the three worlds, but it will have no relation to the individual and personal problems of the man himself. If the expression is that of the higher mind, the use of the will will be in connection with civilizations and cultures for which the third department is responsible, and there will be the carrying out of the will of God in the large and general plans. If it is the will as it expresses itself through the atmic aspect of the Triad, it will function in relation to races, nations, and the kingdoms in nature, and to great planetary arrangements at present unknown to man. The synthesis of this picture will be apparent if carefully studied.”
The Eternal Quest: The Fulfillment of All the Needs of All Beings by All Beings through Ethical Means
The Eternal Quest in PDF Format (English Version):
The Eternal Quest - The Statements Version
The Eternal Quest in PDF Format (Arabic Version):
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