Tuesday, April 4, 2017

POH - 6 - Organized Religions

The Eternal Quest

The content of this post is directly from the work of The Lucis Trust.

This Study can be found here:

The Problems of Humanity: Building Right Human Relations
Study Six: The Churches and Organized Religions

Seed Thought for Meditation

The problem of the freedom of the human soul and its individual relation to God Immanent and God Transcendent is the spiritual problem, facing all the world religions at this time.

Key Statements

In the past, we have had the light which flickered; In the present, we have the light which flames; In the future, there will be a light which shines o'er all the land and sea. Winston Churchill

Our age wishes to have actual experience in psychic life... To me, the crux of the spiritual problem of today is to be found in the fascination which psychic life exerts upon modern man.... The force within us... inspires in us the self-same skepticism and relentlessness with which a Buddha swept aside his two million gods that he might come to the pristine experience which alone is convincing. Dr. Carl Gustav Jung

The history of mankind is, in reality, the history of man's demand for light and for contact with God, and then the giving of light and the approach of God to man. Always the Savior, the Avatar or the World Teacher issued forth from the secret place of the Most High and brought to man fresh revelation, fresh hope and a fresh incentive towards fuller spiritual living.

The definition of religion which will in the future prove of greater accuracy than any yet formulated by the theologians might be expressed as follows: Religion is the name given to the invocative appeal of humanity and the evocative response of the greater Life to that cry.

Work Proposals

Continue with the daily meditation work.

Read widely from any other contemporary materials on the subject.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

1.      What evidence have you personally come across which leads you to believe that "the light which flames" is descriptive of the present?

2.      What do you believe to be the major religious values the past has given to us? Which of the various theological beliefs emphasized by your faith (if you have one) seem to you worth preserving?

3.      What part should organized religion play in everyday human life?

4.      What are the basic principles of spiritual value to the evolution of the human race? How can a needed form of unity (without uniformity) be developed as a platform for the new world religion?

The Eternal Quest

The Fulfillment of All the Needs of All Beings by All Beings through Ethical Means

The Eternal Quest in PDF Format (Arabic Version):
The Eternal Quest in Word Format (Arabic Version):


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